Ep. 186. Jeremiah 40-44 | After the Fall
Jeremiah is a mess. Chronologically speaking, these are the final five chapters of Jeremiah. I genuinely don't know why we haven't moved these five chapters to the end of the book of Jeremiah, except that if we did, someone would shout and stamp their feet, "They're changing the Bible." To be fair, I suppose that would constitute a change, but only in the order of the Bible and not the content. Sadly, most people aren't well enough read in the Bible to even notice that the chapters of this particular book are woefully out of order.
Tradition tells us that Jeremiah was murdered in Egypt, but there isn't any biblical evidence for that, and historical evidence is sparse at best.
What we do see is that Jeremiah had a ministry to declare to the rebels their sins. He does this in Jerusalem and then follows them to Egypt.
What we do see is that the people of God who survived the attacks of Nebuchadnezzar were rebellious to the end, only pretending to care about the word and will of God but having no actual desire to follow it. We see that all the time in our religious institutes today: people who pretend to care about God, who say they want his counsel and direction, and then shun the word of God for the decision they've already decided on in their own hearts and minds. The end for such a person is always destruction.