Ep. 287. Acts 23-24 | Felix
In a matter of twelve days, Paul was arrested, his life plotted against and hidden away (sort of) in Caesarea. He spent two years in Caesarea speaking plainly the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Roman leadership. Undeterred by his less than ideal position he continued to speak to those truths that shape and shake eternity. For all these hardships and the death that certainly lay before him, he would not depart from loving the Lord who brought him and leading well those who would follow him. Paul made every effort "to have a clear conscience toward both God and man." For two years, Paul did not groan and cry about the position he found himself in but rather boasted of the riches and mercy of Jesus Christ and the resurrection from the dead. And here we are in our world, put out of joint when someone says something unflattering to or about us. No wonder we find the world so far from Christ; even those who follow Christ seem to elevate their own comfort above the adherence to the Gospel.
Thank you, Paul, for the example and for yet another butt-kicking.