Ep. 46. Numbers 7-9 | Levites and Year Two



The book of Numbers is a bit choppy at the outset since Numbers chapter one occurs exactly a month AFTER Numbers chapter 7. You'll notice in Numbers 7:1, "On the day when Moses finished setting up the tabernacle." We know that happened on the first day of the first month of the second year according to Exodus 40:17. We also know the priests began their consecration on (or near) that day. That means Exodus 40 and Numbers 7 occur on the same day, and possibly Leviticus 8. Numbers 1 begins on the first day of the SECOND month in the second year. (thus a month later than chapter 7)

Now, chapter 7 is one of the longest and most tedious chapters in the Bible. Each tribe (twelve of them) brings an offering to the tabernacle for twelve days in a row. Each day, a new tribe presents an offering. These are things dedicated to the work of the temple and the initial sacrifices to consecrate everything as holy. These twelve days overlap with the priestly eight-day consecration. We know all of the consecration will be done by the 14th because the priests will hold the Passover celebration like normal.

In Numbers 8, we see the Levites separated from the rest of the people and consecrated to God. This goes back to their willingness to remain faithful to God in Exodus 32. If you are reading straight through, it feels as though that was a very long time ago, but it has only been about seven or eight months earlier. The Levites will be used in place of the "firstborn" of the households of Israel. The Levites will do the work and ministry of the tabernacle. In our culture today, you occasionally meet someone who argues that pastors and missionaries are likened unto the Levites, and the rest of Christendom is likened to the other eleven tribes. Sadly, I also believed this to be the case in my twenties and now feel deep regret over that. You may remember from an earlier lesson that we (all people of faith) are the church of the firstborn, as we see in Hebrews 12. We people of faith are all consecrated to God for his service and have all been redeemed to be servants of God Most High. Pastoral or missionary work does not move someone closer to the heart of God. All believers have been brought near to God through the blood of Jesus Christ. Remember, the veil has been torn and the way made open to fellowship with the Father.

In chapter 9, the Passover and the Feast of the Unleavened Bread are celebrated. The Passover was celebrated on the fourteenth day of the first month of each year, this being the second year. The Feast of Unleavened Bread was then celebrated for another seven days. This means that all of this still takes place before chapters 1-6 of Numbers.

Roughly, the order of Numbers is:

Numbers 7-9

Numbers 1-6

Numbers 10-36

ADDITIONAL READING: Exodus 32:26-29; Exodus 13; Leviticus 8; Exodus 40:17

Ryan | Teaching Pastor

Ryan, is the heart and soul of Simpler Bible. With nearly three decades of experience and a deep passion for sharing the Word of God, he's committed to teaching the Bible without bias and ensuring the cultural and personal context remains intact. Under his guidance, countless individuals have experienced spiritual growth and a deeper connection to Jesus.


Ep. 47. Numbers 6 | The Nazirite Vow


Ep. 45. Leviticus 23, Numbers 28-29 | The Feasts