Ep. 59. Joshua 1-2 | Joshua and Rahab



Now Joshua takes the lead of these desert-dwelling Hebrews. He is told multiple times to "be strong and courageous." We aren't given any unique insight into why he would need to be told this so often, but one may assume that having heard this from Moses and God did much to bolster the boldness of the new leader.

In Joshua 1:8, we see that the Book of Law is not to depart from Joshua's mouth but that he should "meditate on it day and night." It reminds us of what the Psalmist says in the first Psalm but also makes us think of Deuteronomy 17. Moses, before death, gave the people specific instructions on what would happen should they ever set a king over themselves. One of those instructions was that the king should "write for himself in a book a copy of this law, approved by the Levitical priests. And he shall read it all the days of his life."

Whether we are talking about the righteous man of Psalm 1, Joshua, or the king of the Israelites, we see that there comes, with a dedication to the Law, certain blessings and rewards. We need to be careful not to read ourselves into this instruction. Obviously, the word of God is essential and should be known. That's why we are creating, and you are participating in, Simpler Bible. But in these three contexts, it is the meditation on the Law that preserves the person who studies and observes it. We tend to overlook that, to receive the blessing the Law promises, the observer of the Law must be perfect in their pursuit. Thankfully, for people of faith, the blessing of God comes through the finished work of Jesus. Thankfully, for people of faith, we are considered by God to be people who have upheld the Law in that we have received the righteousness of Christ. What I don't want you to do is connect the blessing of God with your daily study of the scripture. That's how we typically view these Old Testament texts. Christian, you ARE blessed in Christ. Rest in that.

In today's study, we also got to meet Rahab. She is wonderfully included in the lineage of Jesus. Her faith is demonstrated when the two spies come to her house in Joshua 2. She knows that God has given the Hebrews the land of Canaan, and we are reminded of what God said of Pharoah in Exodus forty years earlier, "I raised you up so that my name can be proclaimed in the whole earth."

But the true beauty of the Rahab narrative is how clearly it points to the return of our Savior. Rahab meets the two spies, the two forerunners of Joshua and his army. We know in Revelation that two witnesses will come and bear witness to Christ's return. We know that Joshua and Jesus share the name Yeshua. We know that both are coming with their army at an undisclosed time. We know that Rahab was spared only because of the scarlet cord in her window. We know that only those covered by the blood of Christ will be spared judgment at the return of Christ. We know that Rahab was included in the lineage of Jesus, and we know that we redeemed ones are also included in the family of God. It is a wonderful shadow of the true substance of Christ.

It is my profound hope and desire that you will come to see over and over again how the Scripture points to and indicates Christ, that you will fall in love with the incredible intricacy of the Scripture laid out before us by the Spirit of God. The exciting part is we still have so much to cover.

ADDITIONAL READING: Psalm 1; Romans 8:1-4; Hebrews 4: Psalm 95:7-8; Matthew 1:4-5; James 2:18-26; Exodus 9:16; Revelation 11

Ryan | Teaching Pastor

Ryan, is the heart and soul of Simpler Bible. With nearly three decades of experience and a deep passion for sharing the Word of God, he's committed to teaching the Bible without bias and ensuring the cultural and personal context remains intact. Under his guidance, countless individuals have experienced spiritual growth and a deeper connection to Jesus.


Ep. 60. Joshua 3-4 | River Crossing


Ep. 58. Deuteronomy 31-32 | Joshua and a Song