Ep. 277. Acts 9 | Saul's Conversion
One of the most important conversions in human history has to be the one of Saul of Tarsus. Not only did he become one of the most prolific preachers of the first century, but he also gave us two-thirds of the New Testament books and some of the clearest writing on the purpose and power of the cross. Contrary to popular sentiment, Saul did not change his name to Paul to show a change in character. Like many Jews of his day, he had multiple names, in this case, Greek and Hebrew names.
I do love the immediacy with which Paul begins to preach the gospel of Jesus. No sooner have the scales fallen from his eyes, both physically and spiritually, than we see him, now imbued with the Holy Spirit, boldly preaching the truth of the good news. Paul would later tell the Corinthian church that a veil lies over the hearts of the Jews so that they cannot understand the gospel but that it is taken away in Christ. This, for Paul, is the moment the veil is removed. (See 2 Corinthians 3:12-18)
Barnabas, whose name means son of encouragement, is the only one who initially believes in Paul's conversion. When the rest of the disciples are trying their best to avoid this former enemy of Jesus, Barnabas goes around making introductions to him and for him. Is it any wonder Paul and Barnabas end up working so well together, at least for a few years? But we will get to that in a few days.
ADDITIONAL READING: Hebrews 12:29-30, Acts 4:36