Ep. 314. 2 Corinthians 1-2 | Comfort
It will be helpful to remember, as we navigate 2 Corinthians, that Paul is primarily addressing the fact that the believers in Corinth have started entertaining false teachers and faux apostles. But here in the opening chapters, Paul is trying to remind the Corinthians who he is and was. It is also good to be reminded that Paul was the first person to bring the gospel to the Corinthians and that he lived there with them for 18 months.
Paul introduces himself as an apostle of Christ Jesus and then opens with a beautiful statement on the purpose of affliction and comfort. In the space of five verses, Paul mentions comfort ten times.
Paul also mentions "boasting" very early on, in verse 12. At least, that is the word the ESV uses. But the concept is clearly sprinkled throughout the entire letter of Paul. "Our boast" is intended to contrast the boasting of the false teachers.
Paul really kicks this letter into high gear with the last verse of chapter 2, "For we are not like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ." And we will pick up here tomorrow.
You might enjoy a podcast I and the two other pastors of our church did on 2 Corinthians: