Ep. 207. Nehemiah 1,2,4 | The Cupbearer
Nehemiah arrives a few years after Ezra. He served as the governor of Jerusalem for twelve years before returning to his position under King Artaxerxes. He oversaw rebuilding the wall of the city of God and, of course, received strong opposition, as every faithful person of God before and after him had and would receive.
Nehemiah was a wise man, a person of integrity, and even had a mind for warfare. The image of the laborers carrying the work with one hand and carrying a sword in the other hand is striking. Here is a bit of trivia for you: Based on this text, Charles Spurgeon started a publication in 1865 called "The Sword and the Trowel." It was a monthly publication meant to bolster the work of the faithful followers of God. It is still being produced today and has a wide readership. Other ministries have used this name as well, but Spurgeon was the one who kicked it off. That little trivia won't make you love Jesus more or know him any better, but I still find it interesting, and the name is brilliant.
Thanks for that, Nehemiah.
ADDITIONAL READING: Deuteronomy 28:64; 1 Kings 8; 2 Chronicles 6-7