Ep. 195. Ezekiel 37, 47 | The Prophet's Visions
There is some debate as to whether Ezekiel's vision relates to a physical resurrection or a spiritual one. I certainly lean toward the spiritual resurrection, but I can see some merit in the argument for a physical one. I believe the resurrection is a spiritual one because, in part, due to verse 11, "These bones are the whole house of Israel. They say, 'Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are indeed cut off.' " This is the sentiment of the captives in Babylon after Nebuchadnezzar decimated Jerusalem. These are not physically dead looking forward to a physical resurrection, but a people destitute and in the midst of the discipline of the Lord wondering if there is any hope left for them. God, through the prophet, declares that he has plans to bring these "dead" people to life one day.
But it isn't the return at the end of the 70-year captivity to which God is referring, for he says he will make the two nations of Israel and Judah into one again and then set over them one King. In fact, "David" will rule over them. (a reference to the Messiah/Jesus) They will all submit themselves to one Shepherd. (again, a reference to Christ) As if those two references weren't enough, we see that God will put his "Spirit within" them. We know that the new Spirit and new heart promised by God to his people will eventually have them turning to him in faith and obedience. Since we see the Jewish people still largely resistant to God, we know this has not yet taken place.
The vision in chapter 47 is one of my absolute favorites because it points to Jesus, not just here but also in Revelation 22. The water of life proceeds forth from the altar and the throne, a picture of the grace of God lavished on all who believe in Jesus, our atoning sacrifice and King. It is a beautiful picture and one not to be passed over lightly.
ADDITIONAL READING: Isaiah 26:19-21; Revelation 20-22; Revelation 22:1-5; John 4:14; John 7:38-39