Ep. 120. Psalm 141,143 | Hear My Prayer



What a fantastic thing it would be if we, the church, could control our tongues. "Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks." I think about that very often. I've frequently considered that the things our tongues speak about reveal what our hearts delight in. It grieves me sometimes to see the things my heart must treasure. (based on the words that fill my mouth) So I find this prayer beautiful, "Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips."

Another significant measure of a person's character is how they respond to rebuke. Some people take it upon themselves to "right every wrong" they perceive, but others rebuke from a place of love and genuine care for the wayward individual. A person of character receives the rebuke well, "Let a righteous man strike me- it is a kindness; let him rebuke me- it is oil for my head." When someone who walks well with the Lord rebukes us, it should shape us well into the image of Christ and should be like an anointing of oil on our heads. Consider David's response in 2 Samuel 12 when Nathan rebuked the king for his sin with Bathsheba and his murder of Uriah. David wrote the 51st Psalm in response. He did not refuse the rebuke. If we reject a righteous rebuke, it shows a weakness of character.

I pray today that God will guard our mouths and that, should we receive a righteous rebuke, we will find joy in it.

ADDITIONAL READING: James 1:19-20; James 3: 1-12; Matthew 12:34; Proverbs 1:18; Psalm 42:1; Psalm 115:1

Ryan | Teaching Pastor

Ryan, is the heart and soul of Simpler Bible. With nearly three decades of experience and a deep passion for sharing the Word of God, he's committed to teaching the Bible without bias and ensuring the cultural and personal context remains intact. Under his guidance, countless individuals have experienced spiritual growth and a deeper connection to Jesus.


Ep. 121. Psalm 145 | Great is the Lord


Episodes 113-119 summary